1. Snore loudly. If you don’t like your roommate and you want to freak him out, you can snore loudly. Do this every night. When he is about to enter the room, start snoring loudly; continue snoring until your roommate can no longer stand it. Get up (as if you were surprised to see him awake) and say – “Hey, have you slept already?”

2. Start talking to yourself. Do this everyday whenever your roommate is in the room. You can talk about silly things or even serious things. Try to observe his reaction. If continues to look at you, turn to him and say “What are you looking at?”

3. Buy plenty of food items and put them on your bed. Start eating but try to ignore your roommate. After a couple of minutes, turn to him and say –“Do you want to eat?” at the same time you try to gesture as if you’re offering him some food. When he moves closer tell him this – “Go get your own food. This isn’t even enough for me!”

4. Ask a girl friend to some with you to your room and try to act is if something’s going on between the two of you. Do this when your roommate is about to come in. When he enters the room, shout at him – “Can’t you give a guy some space? Now, Scram!”

5. Buy some scary stuff from the store (the ones that are usually sold during Halloween). Place the items in your roommate’s closet, under his bed, or anywhere near him. When he jumps off his feet, laugh as hard as you can.

6. When you’re about to take a bath, take off your clothes and leave them lying on the floor. When your roommate picks up the clothes, yell at him and ask him why he picked up the clothes.

7. Ask help in doing your assignments. After classes, go back to your room and start mumbling some things. When he asks you what’s the matter, tell him that your preparation was no good and that next time, you no longer need his help because it’s not worth it.

8. Sing nursery rhymes wrongly. You can even try doing some action songs. When you see him smiling, ask him what he’s laughing about. “If you think you’re that good, let’s see you do it…”

9. Play classical songs and increase the volume. Then suddenly, change it to rock music. You can sing along with the songs if you like. After several minutes, change it again to love songs. Observe his reaction while doing this; ask him to join you and if refuses, tell him that he’s out of this world.

10. Try to act as if you like your roommate. You can do this whether you’re a girl or a boy but just make sure that you’re the same gender as your roommate. Be extra nice to your roommate, give gifts, and always look at your roommate with fluttering eyes.

p/s : i'm good in terms with my roomates hehe. this is just for sharing :)
p/s : i'm good in terms with my roomates hehe. this is just for sharing :)
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