
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Earth Hour 2011 in UMK

Earth Hour was awesome! 

Although some people didn't really switch off their light 
and the worst part is I even saw one of 'em watching movies. 
Pathetic people. 
The world just ask for an hour, and they didn't even concerned to care about it.

Anyway, here's some of the pictures that 
I managed to snap just now during Earth Hour :) 

Universiti Malaysia Kelantan :)

it's Earth Hour 2011 people!

 My hometown friend, si Ole :D

 Can-made Lantern. those people who made this really are creative! :)

They even provided cakes. Thanks guys!

Yep! here they are :D

My Classmates! (from left: sya, martina, nana, izzah)

"F" the initial of my name haha! =.=

that's me! hehe XD

at the end of Earth Hour, almost all the candles are out 
so the girls, they took the chance to assemble 'em into a heart shape.


Dg Ndr Mstkln said...

huiyo~ best oh! cantik~

Isaac Frank said...

yep~ tmpt ko dg mcm?

Grace said...

tempat kami kan...teda...sbb the next day 3rd year final exam...trus teda kena buat....
sa pula keluar bilik sa sendiri earth hour =)

Isaac Frank said...

hahaha! party hour ka? lol hehe! ndapa jnji ko teda sngaja buka lmpu atau apa2 yg cntribute to global warming time tuh =P