
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ten Habits to Freak-Out Your Roommate

1. Snore loudly. If you don’t like your roommate and you want to freak him out, you can snore loudly. Do this every night. When he is about to enter the room, start snoring loudly; continue snoring until your roommate can no longer stand it. Get up (as if you were surprised to see him awake) and say – “Hey, have you slept already?”

2. Start talking to yourself. Do this everyday whenever your roommate is in the room. You can talk about silly things or even serious things. Try to observe his reaction. If continues to look at you, turn to him and say “What are you looking at?”

3. Buy plenty of food items and put them on your bed. Start eating but try to ignore your roommate. After a couple of minutes, turn to him and say –“Do you want to eat?” at the same time you try to gesture as if you’re offering him some food. When he moves closer tell him this – “Go get your own food. This isn’t even enough for me!”

4. Ask a girl friend to some with you to your room and try to act is if something’s going on between the two of you. Do this when your roommate is about to come in. When he enters the room, shout at him – “Can’t you give a guy some space? Now, Scram!”

5. Buy some scary stuff from the store (the ones that are usually sold during Halloween). Place the items in your roommate’s closet, under his bed, or anywhere near him. When he jumps off his feet, laugh as hard as you can.

6. When you’re about to take a bath, take off your clothes and leave them lying on the floor. When your roommate picks up the clothes, yell at him and ask him why he picked up the clothes.

7. Ask help in doing your assignments. After classes, go back to your room and start mumbling some things. When he asks you what’s the matter, tell him that your preparation was no good and that next time, you no longer need his help because it’s not worth it.

8. Sing nursery rhymes wrongly. You can even try doing some action songs. When you see him smiling, ask him what he’s laughing about. “If you think you’re that good, let’s see you do it…”

9. Play classical songs and increase the volume. Then suddenly, change it to rock music. You can sing along with the songs if you like. After several minutes, change it again to love songs. Observe his reaction while doing this; ask him to join you and if refuses, tell him that he’s out of this world.

10. Try to act as if you like your roommate. You can do this whether you’re a girl or a boy but just make sure that you’re the same gender as your roommate. Be extra nice to your roommate, give gifts, and always look at your roommate with fluttering eyes.

p/s : i'm good in terms with my roomates hehe. this is just for sharing :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Three Frankies

Hey.. So, you know what happen lately? I've been so emo on myself. Ridiculous. I know what I should do now, and that is (of course not continue emo-ing) break out of that total self-criticizing thing from this on forward. It should have limits now. I shouldn't criticize myself that it leaves I-should-feel-really-bad feeling like it can hold me back from being myself. That's just immature, right?

Bad Frankie: Hey, you are immature. It should be alright? Screw it.
Good Frankie: Wait, you are immature. but don't listen to bad frankie. 
Frankie: LOL!

*Bipolar personality? err, NO, emm yes?*

So, I'm on a journey I call soul-searching now. Thanks to my bro who helped me realized that. Thanks kevy hehe! :) I need to find the real me. So I can actually start improving from there. It's important to feel comfortable with yourself first before anything right. If not, then you will get a problem like me. who stuck and dwells endlessly in an eternal abyss (exaggerating). You see, I'm the kind of guy who actually know how to say it, but don't really walk the talk. (Bad&Good Frankie: Shame on you!)

It has been like a stupid habit I got. It's unshakable. I don't know. They always say like, shake it off. or I will tell that to my friends but me myself actually can't do it. It's easy to say of course, but the fact is it's hard to do. *sigh

hey wait, am I emo-ing right now??? Oh gawd I am.

Gotta go, or not I'll start spitting out some statements that you'll think is nonsense.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Earth Hour 2011 in UMK

Earth Hour was awesome! 

Although some people didn't really switch off their light 
and the worst part is I even saw one of 'em watching movies. 
Pathetic people. 
The world just ask for an hour, and they didn't even concerned to care about it.

Anyway, here's some of the pictures that 
I managed to snap just now during Earth Hour :) 

Universiti Malaysia Kelantan :)

it's Earth Hour 2011 people!

 My hometown friend, si Ole :D

 Can-made Lantern. those people who made this really are creative! :)

They even provided cakes. Thanks guys!

Yep! here they are :D

My Classmates! (from left: sya, martina, nana, izzah)

"F" the initial of my name haha! =.=

that's me! hehe XD

at the end of Earth Hour, almost all the candles are out 
so the girls, they took the chance to assemble 'em into a heart shape.

Writing in Pain

2011 is so not good to me at all. 

This is the year I had all of my inside tore apart because of someone, this is the year everything didn't went as well as I wanted, this is the year I was pressured the most, this is the year I was a little desperate, this is the year I was not resolved to become a better man, and now I am feeling unwell. 


It started as a running nose last night. I thought that was it, I guess. But then today, when I woke up, I felt the burn. I felt very hot inside. But shower did me good. I feel a little better now. (*weird)

Just so you know, I don't catch diseases easily. Example, even if I experienced a fever, that would be like one time only. I mean, like basically, one per year. But, this year it's different. Even strange, I am unable to determine the causes. I'm not saying like I can do it like a doctor or something but I usually keep track on my health. So yeah I would now. hmm

Is it because of I'm working too hard? Is it because I didn't take care of my health very well anymore? hold on, I should say this, where the hell did I caught this disease from? =.=

It must be from you! ughh~~~~

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Reminiscent of shame-on-you

I am never a front man, always am, and never will it changes.

It's another one of those disappointed feelings gushing out again just to make me feel bad. Who to blame? Of course, me myself and I.  *BIG SIGH*

I hate it sometimes how one moment I felt so bad about something, but in the next day, it's not there anymore.  People would say it's one of the advantages, kinda, 'cuz you don't linger around it so much to make the situation more severe. Or to make yourself feel more inferior. am I grateful about it? I don't know. But if I don't care about it so much, how can I improve? or how can I be better? 

I do this all the time. From a bad situation, I can realize something good for myself, I would take it. But that is just one time. On the next day, you started to neglect it effortlessly. Frankie, what is wrong with you? You know if you don't do this  you can't go anywhere. But it's hard. The thought is there, but the action is absent.

I should be ashame of myself right? Yes I am. Since long time ago.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Age of six
He loved her so
And everyday
He'd let her know

"I love you Grace"
He'd say each day
She'd just laugh
And run away

Till one day
She turned around
And sat with him
On the playground

"I'm sorry Chris
I don't love you
You'll find someone else
Who loves you too"

Highschool came
They met again
They laughed about
The things back then

They began to date
And fell in love
He got the girl
That he'd dreamed of

But when college came
Everything changed
They were far apart
With lives rearranged

"We'll be fine Grace"
But she had doubt
She turned and said
"It won't work out"

"I'm sorry Chris
I can't love you
You'll find someone else
Who loves you too"

In their twenties
They met again
They laughed about
The things back then

He took her hand
They began to dance
Their old romance

Two years later
She became his wife
They'd be together
All of their life

They went on a drive
When it was no longer light
They drove down the roads
Of the starry night

The music came on
She started to sing
He whispered, "Grace
You're my everything"

But then suddenly
In one big flash
Headlights shone
As their car crashed

He saw her laying
Down on the ground
He felt his tears
Start rolling down

"Grace..." he cried
She took his hand
"I have to leave...
Please understand"

"I love you so much
It's always been true
But you'll find someone else
And you'll love again too"

"No," he cried
"It's always been you
I don't want someone else
I only want you"

And there on that street
Is where he cried
Hugging his love
As she slowly died 


Monday, March 21, 2011

Whatever, Talk to the Hand
Ughh! Why do I even care?! 
Why do I even need a snobbish little bastard in my life??

What the hell! 
You can get the f*ck out my life dude! 

My Babies were Dead

Woke up this morning half-conscious, walked to the bathroom like a non-sober, brushed my teeth with my eyelids still close, washed my face like a sluggish old man, all I had in my mind was that very bed of mind. Hmm, not to be attracted easily, I embraced that cold water running down that pipe, held out my hand at first just to get the jitter. Soon, when it ran down all the way to my body, it sure made me feel refreshed. All it took to move me away from that distraction was merely just that cold water. Easy.

But first thing, to get me up is all you can say a commotion. Reason, I find it hard to wake up. Then, people also see it is impossible to wake me up. But of course on certain occasion, I have to make it easy right. Easy? No. It's when I force myself to wake up. That's not easy at all. Now that just one unhealthy way of waking up no? *bluff* I just hate the feeling of waking up.

Anyways, so the occasion this morning, was to see my babies. Me and my partners were supposed to change their water as liberally as home, 'cuz we thought it was because of their environment or maybe feed? that caused the mortality recently. But we end up received more that was dead this morning. Sad. Can you imagine losing your own babies and like you feel like you just lost some part of will in you to continue to move on? (exaggerating) Still we'll find out what is the real problem behind it. We won't let our babies die in vain. Daddy promise you that. R.I.P huhu

The rest that still survives, please be okay alright. Daddy loves you. 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I'm "Pregnant"

Dang it! perasaan benci tuh dtg lg. haishh. shuhh shuhhh!! p men jauh2 tolong la please~~ XD

Entah sejak kebelakangan nie asyik terfikir kan benda tuh ja. Kalau bukan dia, dia, eh ada dia lagi, terus yang dia lagi. Dang! Macam banyak ja orang yang sy benci kan. HAHA! nda ba. Main2 ja tuh. Sebenarnya ada 1orang ja yang sy benci. Emm mau cakap benci tuh sebenarnya macam kejam sangat (tiba2 mood baik malam nie, layan ja~) emm maybe annoyed and menyampah ja kowt. Anyway, harap2 orang tuh nda terbaca la post sy ni HAHA! eh, bukan juga dia bley tau sy tulis pasal dia right? In this point of view, it can be anybody. You wouldn't know and I don't intend to let you know =D

Hmmm hari ni sy alone lagi di bilik. Sbb roomates sy semua teda. Sedih? lonely? oh tidak. tapi happy! yep hehe : )

Bg pandangan org lain, dorg mesti rasa perkara ini pelik. alone tp happy. Emm well guys, alone doesn't mean that you would sit by the corner and torture yourself slowly with boredom. definitely no. Sebenarnya, benda tuh mcm satu "free-tickets". Bg dorg yg pandai benefit it, it's a ticket that give you access to freedom. to me atleast. : ) 

So mlm nie sy tdur lewat lg. Emm ok time to confess, sbnarnya sy slalu tdur start pukul 7am and bangun pukul 3pm. Dang! HAHA. shh! time teda kelas ja la. ok~ HEHE

I have another confession, sy rs sy pregnant 3bulan skrg. HAHA! pssst~ bukan apa, sy dr td pukul 10pm mcm tuh asyk makan ja non-stop smpai la skrg. GULP! sblm nie kadang2 sy p gym jga la (skrg pn p okeh, mo jga bgtau ; ) ) tp lpas gym tuh p mkn blik. time2 p mkn tuh plak pukul 12-1am. mmg klu mo cpt pregnant, ikt la jejak langkah sy k. HAHA ayat mcm apa. emm paham2 ja la. sy lelaki, prcaya ka sy pregnant? HIHIHI

Huaaaaa *yawning nda mnjadi* 

Sekian ja.  hehehehe

Friday, March 18, 2011

Goodbye and Hello

"Forget the past, 
shake it off, 
put that happy face on, 
and proudly move forward."


Teacher vs Student


Teacher: Maria, go to the map and find North America ..
Maria: Here it is.
Teacher: Correct. Now class, who discovered America ?
Class: Maria.

Teacher: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?
John: You told me to do it without using tables.

Teacher: Glenn, how do you spell ‘crocodile?’
Glenn: K-R-O-K-O-D-I-A-L’
Teacher: No, that’s wrong
Glenn: May be it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.

Teacher: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?
Donald: H I J K L M N O.
Teacher: What are you talking about?
Donald: Yesterday you said it’s H to O.

Teacher: Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn’t have ten years ago.
Minnie: Me!

Teacher: Glen, why do you always get so dirty?
Glen: Well, I’m a lot closer to the ground than you are.

Teacher: Millie, give me a sentence starting with ‘I’
Millie: I is..
Teacher: No, Millie… Always say, ‘I am’
Millie: All right… ‘I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.’

Teacher: George Washington not only chopped down his father’s cherry tree, but also admitted it. Now,
Louie, do you know why his father didn’t punish him?
Louie: Because George still had the axe in his hand.

Teacher: Now, Simon, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?
Simon: No sir, I don’t have to, my Mom is a good cook.

Teacher: Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
Harold: A teacher

Oh Hey

Problem solved!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My "Favourite" Color is Yellow

Fwuiii!! Tadi baru la, mandi dengan air kuning! First time la sy mandi guna air macam nie. Bukan mau cakap ini experience pertama la, di rumah sana pun kadang2 pandai kuning juga air, tapi... sini paling manang la! =.=


Air ni kita guna untuk mencuci right. Dari mulut, muka, ke seluruh badan, dan mana2 yang patut la. Tadi sebelum sy mau pg berus gigi, terberenti kjap, tgk tuh air mcm apa ja. Tapi apa bley buat, sy guna ja utk berus gigi. (biggest mistake?) skrg sy rs mcm lain2 ja. eh, pahit2! suda sy kumur2 dgn air mineral pn masi nda hilang jga. mlakat tuh suma bnda dari la living things or nonliving things =.= ntah in the future mcm mna la nie. bley kasi umur jd pindik kali. paham2 ja la

satu lagi, my skin are screaming in agony! trutamanya my face! kmu nda paham sbb muka kmu bukan mcm sy. klu muka sy nie kalis-dirt/bacteria/whatever it is that makes the water yellow nda pa la. skrg ni muka jd makin teruk! ughh! sgala "benda" sangkut =.= tolong la.

klu mcm nie la spanjang pngajian sy di cni, ndatau mcm mna la jd nie. bkn mo mnta benda2 yg luxurious ka apa ka, tapi at least klu air bersih, boleh la kn. *sighing

sekian. mo tdur dlu.  

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I Am Number Four

This is definitely going 
into my movie-to-see list! :D