
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Like or Dislike?

Hey it's raining!! yayy!! Yeah I know I love all the cold weather and stuff but everyday raining isn't what I wanted. (-. -") Now I feel like I'm going to the point where I started to hate the rain. What??!!

It's cool when it's raining, but it's super annoying when you have to be somewhere. Now I can't come to class without getting a single hit from the "cloud's droppings" (o_O). Anyway, I dislike it.

How am I suppose to concentrate on studying if it's freaking cold? Who to blame? No one, it's just how mother-nature works. I know. I'm just saying this as to post for my entry. HEHE lol

But one fact is true, I HATE getting wet under the rain. Because it ruins everything!

Hmmm oh yeah, can you think of any things to do with such weather? Well, I can only think of like sleeping. (-. -!) I don't know, it just that this weather is so perfect if I want to like hit the sack.

You know what, I think we should like invent a raining-environment-stimulation like it's not really raining but your body feels like it's raining. (errkk got it? hmm) I don't know, lately I've been a having trouble sleeping. So this might just be it. The thing that actually can be helpful to people like me. HA!

Anyway now I feel sleepy. I'm out. Talk to you later. 


cikgusofia said...

kin tekanan juga lau hari2 kena hujan ni. suda la aku jenis yg mls bawa payung.. rela kebasahan ow.. hahaha..

Isaac Frank said...

adehhhh jgn malas2 nant sakit hik3 XD

cikgusofia said...

mo buat mcm mana kalo tabiat suda gtu.. haha.. apa pun, main hujan best ba~~ hahaha

Isaac Frank said...

HAHAHA mest slalu buang tabiat time hujan nie kn~~~ XD

cikgusofia said...

nda juga.. hehe.. kdg2 jak~

Isaac Frank said...

HUHUHUHU ok~~ bgus~~ XD