
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Being sweet doesn't necessarily indicates you're nice.

Sweet talker? Ughh pathetic.

To the people who is "sweet" on the outside but "bitter" in the inside, I curse you from the day you are born. God! I never been so angry. These people are nothing but some shameless people who'd do anything to kiss someone else's ass. Do you know what that means? Yeah it marks you right at the forehead as a low-dignified self-centered son of a b*tch.

I can totally understand if it's under the circumstances that people in need of some support, like in terms of, verbally. But to happen under the situation that it is unfavorable, that's bad news people and a total NO NO.

I can never understand why bosses are so non-reluctant to this matter, like what the hell, being pampered by words? Pathetic. Anyway, bringing this subject in relationship-wise, does it necessary for such sweet talk for a relationship to remain "active"? That's another thing that I don't understand. Ya know, sometimes relationship confuses me. Coming from someone that doesn't always end up with a good ending in a relationship, I guess that's why I still don't understand it. But hey, I can't deny that this is interesting.

Anyhow, just for warning, don't spit your sweet talk on me. or I'll shove your mouth with some real "candy".


Grace said...

siapa juga buat ko marah ni

Isaac Frank said...

kisah lma ba nie, skrg bru mara.. tiba2

Grace said...

tiada kerja mo buat la ni...mentang2 cuti..haha

Isaac Frank said...

ohohohoho ^,^!!