Oh my, what a view. If that happens at the airport? My advise, don't ever put your undies in there 'cuz it might leap out.
Hrmmmm so,
Today is the 12th of November. People are leaving for their home. Knowing that everything was over (the exam), the pressure that everyone had, has been like lifted up of their shoulder. Ah that feeling is great. I'm happy for them (Yeah that's me being positive lol) Well on the other hand, as for me? the weight is still there I mean like I can see it, everything is "there" like just right beside me, it even look back at me now LOL (am i going crazy here?) yeah well it's 'cuz my exam hasn't over yet. Still it's a one-more-to-go paper, so I am gonna like work my a** off of this one. There's people who want me to excel on this exam, I mean I can't let them down but at least I'll die trying (Oh p/s I'm not gonna die, it's just a metaphor lol).
The fact that everyone is leaving, I have to pack. I hate packing actually. I mean I love the idea of going back to my hometown but packing is just kinda- how should I put it- well troublesome. It just that every time it's the end of the semester break, we have to pack our things and have the room like as good as new, or as just like before we moved in. I mean we are gonna stay at the same room next year, why the trouble? And after that, we have to carry our stuff to "this" room where we put it until it's time to get it back, which is like a month from now. Wait, hold on, did I tell u, that the deadline is today. I mean they put this like notice saying that "penyimpanan barang akan bermula 10-11 Nov" Today is the deadline, i know but i haven't pack my things yet 'cuz H to the O, HELLO! i have one more paper to go! You don't rush things okay or it'll get out of hands. And well I don't care about the notice. I'll put my things there whenever I want it and that's that!
Anyways, I can't wait to go back. I mean like being here any longer can make me go nuts. It's such a shame that I hate my own university. (OMG! this I just say that?). WELL, not that I hate to the point where I resent it. NO, ofcourse not. It just there are so many problems going on here, n hey like I don't have enough problems already. Ugh! Give me a break~ Unfortunately, THIS here is now my way to the great things that I'm going to get in my future, so no turning back, and I guess I have to learn to "LOVE" this place. Oh God, I'm not even good at loving a living creature, now "this"? can y'all just cut me some slack please~ Hrmm this is where I should say my prayer "Oh Lord, please help me overcome this imbalance thought/feelings that's been bugging me all this time, I need guidance and honesty, please give me the pure heart to love and not by force. Amen!"
Wow! I'm sensing something here. Is it God's answer? Wait, wait. Oh it's my roomy, peeping from the back wondering what I'm doing I suppose. -______-!! LAME~ Hey you know what, I went to the gym today. Trying to get "that" biceps and 6-pacs I wanted so long, like really2 long ago lol. Hold on, let me check, hey I got 4pacs already HAHA.

I guess it's still a long way to go *sigh. Hold one, HEY, sighing brings me no biceps and 6pacs!
"Okay FRANKIE you're going to work out now! if you want "that" body, you better work you a** off! you got that? NOW START work out and get that jelly-stomach harden up! God, this kid is hard."
Hrmmm okay peeps I'm out, that's my inner-fitness-coach talking lol.
-Out to get harden up-
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