
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Please2 Go Awaye

Alright! This is it! I'll make it happen for sure!!

Ya know what, "U" have been stomping me down like my whole life, now I'm determine to rise up. Although I didn't recall when did u actually came to me, but I sure remember what u had made me went through. And I'm not happy with that. Hell, I was really depress about it T__T

Hmm even if it takes me every seconds (huh?), every minutes, even day or night, "U're" going away u heard me, G-O-N-E!!

ohh tolong laa jerawat~ pls go away... huhu T___T


Dg Ndr Mstkln said...

same goes to me~ bnyk gila jerawat sa muncul skrg!

HeLJoNy said...

hehe... nda pa... pakai jak bio zip... terus dia ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiip... sampai hilang... hehe

Isaac Frank said...

dg> ya ka?? bah nant share2 tips klu ko ada product bgus he2 : P

hel> pndai la ko sna, susa suda mo cri market klu muka bgini hel,,,arrgghh tulungggg