
Thursday, May 27, 2010

MY HAIR???!!!


People who know me would totally understand the misery I'm in right now LOL huhu believe it or not I cut short my hair T__T Mati! suda la byk jarawat nie muka, budu. rmbut pn brkurang suda jumlah abis "asset" sy huhu cmna mo cri market nie waaaa~

hmmm I texted one of my on9 friend d other day and told him about this, I said like "hey you know what, my mom told me to cut my hair short n I went for it, now I'm like arhhhhh~" huhu trus konon dia jwb "xper, anggap je mother's day gift, heee"

HAHH?! =__=

so ummm, here's my newly cut-short hair T__T , mcm mna ok kaa????????? eee

hmmm ignore the poster behind hek3 : P


Dg Ndr Mstkln said...

trus nmpk chinese look ko oh frankie~ ala~ bkn sdh ko org canada~ XD

wei, poster sepa tu?? jessica ka?? =p

Isaac Frank said...

2laaa ee, sy pn rs mcm 2.. tp bla tgk blik mcm ada gak plakon korea wakaka!! : P hu2 poster c britney s. 2 hek3