One more time, the thing never fails to hurt my chest. Everytime a distance was created, the first contact always brought with issues. Lots of issues that will further create more little unimportant issues that can definitely shake one's faith. Both hot heads just don't want to lose to each other.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Saturday, October 12, 2013
It is as easy as ABC for people to change. A simple argument can waver you to think negatively. From life decision, to socializing and relationship, it is as easy as that, you can tell anybody you hate 'em. As though everything you learnt from the past gone, just like that. Maybe it is easier to say hurtful things when you have forgotten, maybe changing into this hateful person help gives you a little comfort or ease just at that moment, not taking into account the aftermath. You think you just wanted to let everything out, without considering others' feeling to help you feel good. Thats just it, who can think rational when they're mad? What are the other option can one take to take out that anger to just that one person? Take a break and realign your sentence so you wont hurt that person feeling? What about your own? How noble and patience can you be?
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Why do some people cry when they watch an emotional play? Is it because they feel related with what is happening in the play? Or is it just the humane side of the people that triggers the brain to make them feel emotional and thus cry?
Be it a girl or a boy, yes, but can a real man cry from such matter? What does the real woman think about that?
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Enters 2013, I Want The Old Me.
**Examination Schedule **
09th Jan 2013- Aquaculture Production Management
11th Jan 2013- Livestock Farm Management
15th Jan 2013- Food Safety & Production
17th Jan 2013- Special Course in Animal Husbandry
One more thing, Frankie, you have been taking examination less and less seriously now. Just look at your mid-term exam result thus your carry marks, wasn't satisfied aren't you? If it's never too late, you need to change your attitude, be like the old you, you need to be afraid of the papers not acting like not care about the end of the world! Tomorrow starts the big day, don't take into account what will happen, instead pray for God and do your best.
**Student In Entrepreneurship Program**
18th to 28th Jan 2013- 10 days mini practical in Goat Farm nearby Tanah Merah district.
1th to 10th Feb 2013- Pet shop or aquarium shop that sells ornamental fishes in Sabah.
The result of your laziness, now you will spend your short holiday with 2 more of these things. Not forgetting to mention, final year project which literally add up to your pile of works to be finished. So many burden but so little attentiion and concern towards them. Still, no matter what, that two programmes are compulsory to finish or else you cannot grad!
That's it for now. Good luck for tomorrow. All the best Frankie!